Saturday 24 February 2018

Section 1 d) Key Words

Artificial Satellite: A man made satellite, put into space by a rocket. Can orbit the Earth, or be put in orbit over another astronomical body.

Comet: Small lumps of icy rock that orbit the Sun. They have elliptical orbits and speed up when they're closer to the Sun as the gravitational strength is stronger.

Galaxy: A collection of billions of stars.

Gravity: The force exerted by all bodies of mass. Causes small bodies to orbit larger ones.

Milky Way: The galaxy we live in.

Moon: A natural satellite. Earth has one moon, known just as "the Moon", however other planets may have many more with individual names.

Orbit: The path one astronomical body takes around another, caused by the force of gravity.

Planet: A body of mass orbiting a star, e.g. the Earth orbiting the sun. It must be of a certain size to be classed as a planet, and have an almost circular, but usually slightly elliptical orbit.

Satellite: A body of mass that orbits another body of mass.

Solar System: The system of planets and comets around our Sun.

Star: A self-luminescent celestial body that produces energy.

Sun: The star at the centre of the Solar System.

Universe: A collection of billions of galaxies. Most of it is empty space. It's huuuuugeeeeeeeeeee

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Section 4 b) Summary

The nine types of energy important to learn are: Electrical energy Light  Sound Kinetic Nuclear Thermal  Gravitational Chemical ...